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My Dating Experience : My First Love

I liked reading at night in class as well as some of our classmates and that was where we met most of the time. After some hours of reading we take walks outside and talk in the moonlight, it was so romantic. We discussed about our families; though I didn’t tell him I was from a broken home just yet, his dad was late at the time and he shared memories of him. I began to get comfortable with him that there was no other guy I was interested in. We shared our first kiss one night our class mate (it was a pre-degree program) had a party; I could not attend because my brother ordered me not to and surprisingly he ‘my first love’ didn’t attend as well. Before then I could not meet with him cause some guys reported me to my elder brother and he warned me not to go out with my him but I was miserable without him – I could not sleep and I kept thinking about him so I decided to go to class to keep my mind busy, I never knew I would meet him there.

It was around 12 midnight and it was just my first love and his friend. After a while his friend left and it was just the two of us. After talking for a while, we had a moment and we shared our first kiss together; it was amazing, a lot of emotions were going through us and that was the beginning of our relationship. Though I didn’t know what a relationship was like, i was just going with it. A lot of students were having sexual intercourse at night in classes, some under a tree, by the steam and so on but I was a virgin and I didn’t want to lose it with I guy I’m just getting to know. He brought it up some times but I told him that I wasn’t ready and he accepted it.

After our pre-degree course we all went home for some months before our result came out and during that period, I realized I had falling in love with him. Back then calls were really expensive but I would use my last cash to buy airtime to talk to him. I think the way women fall in love, it’s quite different with men; while I was head over heels in love, he was probably thinking “we had a fun six months but I am back to my life now”. I didn’t get the memo, I just kept calling and trying to reach out to him but I could count the number of times her called. Sometimes I pick up a fight with him each time I call, telling him to say my name because I suspected he was with another girl (and you’d think we had sex before now, smh). I didn’t know that was the beginning of my ‘crazy’.  The only time he calls is so we make up after a fight until I stopped calling because I didn’t have money anymore but I was excited that I would be going back to school soon so I could see him (and begin my degree ofcourse *tongue out*).

As a teenager from a broken home with no one to look up to, i had no idea what dating was all about (not sure i was supposed to but compared to what is happening these with teenagers i had zero idea of what was happening). Yes, i admired cute guys and blushed sometimes but i never really knew how to take it further, i shy away from it most of the time.
After my first crush (though he was unaware) in secondary school acted like a jerk to my best friend, i just didn’t see myself having a boyfriend. His behavior made me assume men were like that and with my history (parents), i didn’t want to be involved with them.
Boys in school were interested in me but i didn’t give them a chance to be friends with me except for one in my SS 1, he was from the South and was nice. I could tell he liked me but each time he tries to get close, i run away. So he moved on to someone else in SS2 and another in SS3 but i wasn't bothered because i wasn’t interested in having a boyfriend.
At our home, my dad allowed friends to spend holidays, while some stayed for months, maybe to write exams and others weeks, so he had a lot of people around the house most of the time. We were not rich but hospitable and friendly so people loved visiting. Though my dad was generous, he was quite careless with the matured people that stayed with us. A lot of things could have gone wrong but thankfully it didn't. It was mostly from my cousins than strangers.
Anyways, after my secondary school i spent three years at home waiting for an admission. I wrote JAMB twice; the first one was not up to the cut off mark and the second was ceased. Eventually i got an admission and i met this guy from the south (yep, there was a time they were very much around me). He was slender, taller than me a little, loved music and did i mention he was from the south? All my life i had not met anyone like him; i rarely connect with people but with him, it was instant, like fireworks. He wasn't my first kiss (it was disgusting and not worth writing about and i hoped it wasn't what a kiss felt like -the worst thirty seconds of my life) though.
As my first love and relationship, i made a lot of mistakes, broke every rule and loved with my heart that I didn’t know there were some things I was supposed to do as "the girl" in the relationship. After we met and he kept coming closer, at first I thought he was into my friend because they were friendlier initially but it turned out that he was keeping an eye on me. Since I never had a boyfriend before him, I didn’t know how it worked but I know I felt different around him – you know, kind of uncomfortable… for someone that didn’t have interest in “boys” to trying to look and smell pretty all of a sudden (so yeah, I was uncomfortable, lol).

I liked reading at night in class as well as some of our classmates and that was where we met most of the time. After some hours of reading we take walks outside and talk in the moonlight, it was so romantic. We discussed about our families; though I didn’t tell him I was from a broken home just yet, his dad was late at the time and he shared memories of him. I began to get comfortable with him that there was no other guy I was interested in. We shared our first kiss one night our class mate (it was a pre-degree program) had a party; I could not attend because my brother ordered me not to and surprisingly he ‘my first love’ didn’t attend as well. Before then I could not meet with him cause some guys reported me to my elder brother and he warned me not to go out with my him but I was miserable without him – I could not sleep and I kept thinking about him so I decided to go to class to keep my mind busy, I never knew I would meet him there.

It was around 12 midnight and it was just my first love and his friend. After a while his friend left and it was just the two of us. After talking for a while, we had a moment and we shared our first kiss together; it was amazing, a lot of emotions were going through us and that was the beginning of our relationship. Though I didn’t know what a relationship was like, i was just going with it. A lot of students were having sexual intercourse at night in classes, some under a tree, by the steam and so on but I was a virgin and I didn’t want to lose it with I guy I’m just getting to know. He brought it up some times but I told him that I wasn’t ready and he accepted it.

After our pre-degree course we all went home for some months before our result came out and during that period, I realized I had falling in love with him. Back then calls were really expensive but I would use my last cash to buy airtime to talk to him. I think the way women fall in love, it’s quite different with men; while I was head over heels in love, he was probably thinking “we had a fun six months but I am back to my life now”. I didn’t get the memo, I just kept calling and trying to reach out to him but I could count the number of times her called. Sometimes I pick up a fight with him each time I call, telling him to say my name because I suspected he was with another girl (and you’d think we had sex before now, smh). I didn’t know that was the beginning of my ‘crazy’.  The only time he calls is so we make up after a fight until I stopped calling because I didn’t have money anymore but I was excited that I would be going back to school soon so I could see him (and begin my degree ofcourse *tongue out*).

Click HERE for Introduction and My Dating Experience : My First Love 2


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