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Happy new year Life and Dating readers!!!

Hi everyone,

Happy new  year!!! Been MIA for too long and I have a good reason for that . You see, I got a job and it's been taking my time a lot -like I work Mondays to Saturdays (well, half day but what's the difference? As long as I leave my house that day, it doesn't matter when I get  back.  Anywho, I'm sort of back -i said sort of cause I'm still trying to figure out how I would keep posting articles with my work schedule (fingers crossed) but you know what? This is 2019,so no excuses, we just have to try however we can to achieve what we need to achieve (whether it is comfortable or not).  Besides I'm using my phone to write this on my way home, so what's your excuse?

The job is on the island and I live on the mainland so I've been trying to get used to the routine so it doesn't affect the job and my writing of course  - if I'm not in that frame of mind, I won't give you something with quality.  So my friends, I just want to wish you a happy new year and the best this world and beyond has to offer. Don't be bothered about your struggles ; be it at work, relationships, family, health... Whatever it is, just keep moving.  Keep trying and remember, consistency is key.  Always look for solutions not problems - if it ain't broke right? Always make yourself happy cause no one can expect you  - you just have to accept what you can't change and do what feels right.  It applies to every part of your life. Make sure you stay healthy and away from toxic /negative people. .. You don't need the darling!

I'm grateful for you guys (my loyal readers), thank God we made it.   I love you all, you are very important and the world needs everyone of you - remember that!

Once again, Happy new year!!! Don't work so hard but smart. Do something daring this year. Resolution? Hmm... Just do what feels right, one day at a time. You'll be alright *smiles*
Until I write next (bear with my writing schedule) ...please accept me the way I am.
Wish you and yours a great 2019.

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